Beasty Berry 野果子小怪兽


Beasty Berry is our newly developed and originally created innovative APP feature,feel free to watch our example videos. -Beasty Berry 野果子小怪兽.

Output Availability 可用范围

Beasty Berry is our newly developed innovative APP feature, which is supported by our self R&D model technique, data process technologies and so on.

It can intelligently recognize data file's structures,verify its quality and auto process the data sets. feel free to watch our video!

野果子小怪兽是闪光浆果新上的自研创新性应用功能, 能智能识别数据文件结构,判断数据质量并进行智能自动处理。 欢迎观看我们在社媒上的解说视频了解详情。

What to expect in the future? 未来可以期待些什么?

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