went online with features introduced 公测上线


Toolset that empower your work and have fun discover the charm of small dataset!


Newly Introduced Features 已上线新功能介绍

We have introduced few features, as showed below:


  • 1

    Auto Report Generator 自动报告生成

    The first released model function of Glowing Berry was Auto Report Generator. It is the field of data analytics which help generates the fundamental summary, analysis, insights and reporting for different kinds of datasets more effectively.

  • 2

    Auto Email Generator 生成发送邮件

    Auto Email Generator as part of Glowing Berry's sub-model, it is designed as supportive function for our generator, which can auto generates the send email and detect relevant attachments. Saving the hustle to download each file and add attachments to your email.

  • 3

    Predictive Shares of Choice Simulator 份额预测模拟器

    This simulator as sub-function is build on choice prediction model which can simulate market share prediction based upon your dataset. However, it has its specific data format requested, we will mention more in detail throughout below article.

  • 3

    Text Emotional Analysis 文本情绪分析

    This sub-function is still under development. For now, it is available to generate emotions from English comments, and generates word cloud from both Chinese and English.

Output Availability 可用范围

  • 1.Auto Report Generator 自动报告生成

  • Currently, we have not fully release our base model function, thus, for public test stage you can fllow the instruction video we have published. 目前,我们还未完全开放我们的模型功能。在公测阶段,生成的可用范围参考官方视频介绍

  • 2.Auto Email Generator 生成发送邮件

  • Email generator is slightly different, which require you have already successfully generated the output you wish to send. Once the output is generated, you can then input according to below format to run the email generator.
  • 目前,成功使用邮件生成功能的前提条件是你已完成生成需要发送的结果。成功生成后,您可以根据以下格式输入您的请求去运行邮件生成功能。
  • English:Send email from to xxx attach xxx(report request)
  • 中文: 从 发送邮件到 xxx 附件xxx(所需文件)

  • 3.Text Emotional Analysis 文本情绪分析

  • Currently, Glowing Berry will focus on just add Chinese language into emotional analysis. Future, we will support more insightful generate output together with our generator model.
  • 现阶段,闪光浆果将先添加中文语种的情绪分析。未来,我们会同智能化洞察生成模型一起开放更多情绪洞察生成。

  • 4.Predictive Shares of Choice Simulator 份额预测模拟器

  • Please follow the video instruction to prepare the datasets.
  • 请按照官方视频介绍准备相关数据材料。

What to expect in the future? 未来可以期待些什么?

We will always update our social media once we have new functional updates! Thus, follow us on social media or sign up now as user to stay tuned!


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